Hi there!
The above pictures are of the Actors set to appear on Season Four, Episode One of the Artist's Process Web, TV Show Series!
Appearing in order are Valerie Vibar and Matt J. Doyle (Myself). Valerie & I will be performing a Dramatic Acting Scene. Valerie & Myself also recorded an artistic piece, @ the opening of Valerie's current Art Exhibit, which will be included in the Episode.
The Episode Video will be Uploaded to YouTube, followed by Facebook, eZWayTube, and qZone China. We'll also be airing the Episode on TV Via the eZWay.TV Network @ 9:00 am (PST) Daily!
The above pics were chosen personally by myself (Matt J. Doyle).

We'll also be including a Music Video from Kendra & the Bunnies, as well as a Poetic Piece from Kendra Muecke, as seen in the above pictures.
We're all very excited about appearing on this episode!
I'll keep you updated on it's progress, via this blog.
If you would like to get in touch, please contact me via the following web-page!
Contact Matt J. Doyle
I'd love to hear from you!
Please also be sure to check out my blog page.
Matt J. Doyle Website Blog Page
In addition you can click on the following links to find out more about "The Artist's Process" Web, TV Show Series!
The Artist's Process Web Page
The Artist's Process Facebook Page
The Artist's Process YouTube Playlist
The Artist's Process eZWayTube Channel
The Artist's Process on eZWay TV Network
Finally, here's how you can help Support Us.
The Artist's Process GoFundMe Page
Thank you for visiting,
Matt J. Doyle